
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Melamine Food Scandal

Recently, there was a melamine food scandal. Melamine, a toxic chemical, was added to milk powder, chocolates, biscuits, animal feed and many other items. As a result, 4 babies in china died and thousands of other people became ill.

Countries all over the world recalled all China-made products and tested them for melamine. All those found to have contained that chemical were immediately burned. In Singapore, quite a few products were found to contain melamine, and for awhile, most Singaporeans avaoided buying China-made products.

Despite a nationwide campaign to raise food safety standards and reassure consumers, China's broken-down food safety inspectorate still failed to catch and report lapses in standards when they happened.So, people were cautious about buying China-made products. Nobody really trusts China-made things like before.

Now,I don't trust China-made products a lot. But I still have to use/eat them as most things are made in China nowadays. I hope that China would have learnt its lesson and it will not have anymore scandals. Consumers trusts' are recovering slowly but if there is another similar incident, I fear that faith in China-made propducts will be so shaken that no one will dare to buy thier products.

Will there be another scandal? Will people still want China-made products? Will history repeat itself?

Nobody Knows.

I flew away...

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